Sales Representatives

with Following Wanted


Integrity is a fundamental quality that every salesperson should embody. It means being truthful, transparent, and ethical in all your dealings with customers.

As a salesperson for the Catholic Burial and Cremation Plan, your responsibility goes beyond just selling a product or service.

You are helping families make important decisions that will have a lasting impact on their lives.

To uphold integrity in sales, you must be honest about the benefits and limitations of our plans. You should also be transparent about the pricing and any fees involved.

Additionally, you should respect the privacy and dignity of the families you work with, and always act in their best interests.

Integrity is not just a desirable quality for salespeople; it is essential for building long-term relationships with customers. By being honest and trustworthy, you can earn the trust and respect of your clients, which will ultimately lead to more sales and referrals.

At the Catholic Burial and Cremation Plan, we believe that integrity is the cornerstone of our business. We are looking for salespeople who share this belief and are committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity in all their interactions with customers.


Reliability is another crucial quality that every salesperson should embody, in addition to honesty. It means being consistent and dependable in delivering on your promises and commitments to your customers.

As a salesperson for the Catholic Burial and Cremation Plan, reliability means being available to your customers and following up on their inquiries and needs promptly. It means providing accurate and up-to-date information about our plans and services, so that customers can make informed decisions.

Reliability is important because customers must trust that the product or service they are purchasing will deliver on its promises.

By being reliable, you can build trust and credibility with your customers, which is essential for building long-term relationships. At the Catholic Burial and Cremation Plan, we believe that reliability is a key component of our commitment to serving families with dignity and respect.

We are looking for salespeople who understand the importance of reliability and are committed to delivering the highest level of service to our customers.

Honesty is important for building trust with customers, reliability is equally important for demonstrating your commitment to delivering on your promises and providing a high level of service.

As a salesperson for the Catholic Burial and Cremation Plan, you will be expected to embody both qualities to ensure that our customers receive the best possible experience.

doing well while doing good

"Doing well while doing good" is a phrase that captures the idea of making a positive impact on the world while also achieving financial success. As a salesperson for the Catholic Burial and Cremation Plan, you have the opportunity to do just that.

By helping families plan for their final arrangements, you are providing a valuable service that can ease the burden on loved ones during a difficult time. You are helping families ensure that their wishes are respected and that they are remembered in a way that is meaningful to them.

At the same time, you have the opportunity to earn a competitive income and build a successful career in sales. The Catholic Burial and Cremation Plan offers a range of plans and services that provide value to customers, which makes it easier to sell and generate revenue.

By combining the goals of doing good and doing well, you can achieve a sense of fulfillment and purpose in your work, while also achieving financial security and stability.

At the Catholic Burial and Cremation Plan, we believe that it is possible to make a positive impact on the world while also achieving financial success.

We are looking for salespeople who share this belief and are motivated by the opportunity to help families while also building a successful career.

Doing well while doing good is about finding a sense of purpose and fulfillment in your work while also achieving financial success. As a salesperson for the Catholic Burial and Cremation Plan, you have the opportunity to make a positive impact on the lives of families while also achieving your personal and professional goals.

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